“It's always fun for me to see how my art gets used in products, thanks to the licensing department of my publisher, Wild wings! My work has appeared on apothecary jars, rear window truck films, lots of greeting cards, mugs, cups, plates, and trinket boxes. Pioneer Seed company used one of my barns on a Christmas tin. The Disabled American Vets are using my “Parade Partners” painting on one of their greeting cards.
My favorites have been the Minnesota State fishing and hunting regulations booklets (every person buying a license receives one), magazine covers, puzzles and calendars.
One of my best, longest running licensing products was a quality beautifully printed Lang Calendar. I was honored to have my paintings of real family farms published 7 years in my own “On the Farm” Calendar! I painted 12 new paintings yearly for each new calendar from 2009-2015! This is what kept me constantly seeking out new family farms to visit and paint. I met a lot of wonderful families and made new friends with that project and families enjoyed purchasing calendars for their friends and family with their own farm pictured!
I'm happy to say that another calendar company, Pine Ridge Art, inc. internationally recognized for producing top quality fine art calendars, stationery and gifts signed me on for my new “FARM FRESH” calendar in 2020, 2021 and they're planning 2022 also...
In 2005 TideMark published a beautiful wall calendar of just my “kids being kids” paintings which was also fun for families of the children!
I get a big kick out of doing a jigsaw puzzle of my own painting! My Dad always loved puzzles and I always wished one would come along for him to do, but by the time that happened, his Alzheimers became too advanced for him to comprehend a puzzle.”
“I've been honored to have DAV using my painting these past 2 years in their nation-wide annual fund drive in which people receive a complimentary pack of note cards. There has been so much response to this with folks asking me where they might buy more of these. Check out my blog post for more info!”