“I've always loved friendly dogs & cats, and have had several as pets and friends all my life! I've painted many pet portraits as commissions and gifts and enjoy striving to capture the personality and spirit of our beloved companions!”
“Sometimes I feel strongly driven to try painting something very different or challenging... my breakfast eggs frying in the pan, our cozy campfire, the chrome/glass of a vintage juke box, fresh garden produce... It's PURE fun!”
“To be totally honest, what I enjoy most about painting a waterfowl scene is NOT the waterfowl, but the WATER! I find it the most exciting and rewarding challenge capturing the various nuances of waves, ripples, colors, reflections and light!”
“Much of my childhood revolved around horses: a pony/horse farm next door and later our own horses, with lots of riding, even horse shows and the bumps & bruises of all that fun. I spend hours drawing horses and studying their breeds and anatomy.”
“In Minnesota where I live among 10,000+ lakes and a couple major rivers, I've enjoyed fishing all my life. Again, painting from my own experiences of doing what I enjoy, I find opportunities to paint both summer and winter ice fishing scenes.”
“I'm fascinated by chickens which is why I enjoy painting them!... the feathers, eyes, comb, their various colors, the way they move about. (also my favorite meals involve chicken or eggs!) Chickens are of my favorite farm animal to paint!”
“I try to depict kids not posed, but happily just being kids much like my childhood memories from the ‘50’s and ‘60’s playing outside for hours... in snow and around water, always dirty... having fun!”
“Family farms dot the landscape where I live and, come alive when I meet the families and learn their stories. As suburbs spread, family farms are disappearing. I'm trying to preserve these memories.”
“Thanks to Wild Wings' licensing department I've enjoyed seeing my work grace magazine covers, calendars, puzzles, greeting cards, glassware and a host of other fun and useful products!”
“If you're interested, check out one of my videos, set to music, offering a little glimpse into the process of how some of the paintings develop in my studio.”
“Being I enjoy both writing and sharing my experiences in art, I never run out of art-related news and what's happening in my studio. I also enjoy sharing painting tips.”
“Fellow artists often email me with questions and ask if I teach. I haven't ventured into teaching but I do share tips and tricks and my methods.”
"I am not Amazing... God is! I just got lucky!
(click on above link to one of Rollie's Blog entries)